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Sennheiser RS 120 Wireless TV Headphones - Crystal-Clear Sound, Lightweight, Easy Controls, 60m Range


Sennheiser Consumer Audio


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  • 9.7
    Sennheiser Consumer Audio

    Sennheiser RS 120 Wireless TV Headphones - Crystal-Clear Sound, Lightweight, Easy Controls, 60m Range

    Why we love it

    The product has high quality sound
    The product has three sound modes
    The product is easy to control
    Main highlights
    • Up to 60m range: Digital wireless transmission ensures no analog static for listening freedom around the home.
    • Sound modes: Three listening profiles - Speech, Music, Neutral - to adjust the sound to your preference for TV, music, podcasts, and streaming video.
    • Long battery life: Up to 20 hours playback from the rechargeable AAA batteries.
    • Included components: Headphones HDR 120-W, Transmitter TR 120-W with stereo RCA audio cable, Mains unit with country adapters (EU, UK, US, AUS), Two rechargeable batteries: 1.2 V (AAA), NiMH, Adapter for audio connection 3.5 mm, Quick guide & safety guide
    • High-quality Sennheiser sound: Enhance your TV listening with crystal-clear, detailed, well-balanced stereo sound.Control Type:Volume
    • Exceptional comfort: Lightweight on-ear headphones with low headband pressure for optimal wearing comfort during long TV sessions.
    • Easy volume control: Ergonomic control dial directly on the headphones offers intuitive volume adjustment.
    • Combination transmitter/charging dock: Easy connection to TVs via RCA or 3.5mm plugs while providing a convenient charging station for the headphones.
    • Age range description: Adult

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