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Door Chimes Bells Comparison - April 2024

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Newhouse Hardware CHM3D Door Chime, White
Newhouse Hardware CHM1 Door Bell Chime, White


Newhouse Hardware
Newhouse Hardware


3,080 reviews
14,726 reviews

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Our Top 2 Picks

Here are the top 2 recommended products with more information to help you find the right product for you
  • 9.8
    Newhouse Hardware
    21% Off

    Newhouse Hardware CHM3D Door Chime, White

    Why we love it

    Two sounds
    Dimensions given
    Compatible with 16 volt/10 VA or 16 volt/15 VA transformer
    Main highlights
    • TWO SOUNDS: Classic two-note “Ding Dong” sound for the front door button and has an additional connection with a separate "Dong" for the rear or side door.
    • QUALITY: Doorbell chime maintains a textured white modern finish. Easy to install to your doorbell button and doorbell transformer. Backed by a 2-year limited . .
    • PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to hear the sounds of the chime, please see the video that is with the images on the left hand side of this item page.
    • PLEASE NOTE: If the chime is not working properly, the issue may or may not be with the chime. The issue could be with the doorbell button, transformer or the wiring. There are troubleshooting steps in the manual as well as on our website.
    • PLEASE NOTE: Customers have mentioned that our wired chimes such as this one work with video doorbells such as ring, but we cannot guarantee this.
    • DIMENSIONS: Cover: 8. 25” L x 5. 5” W Base: 6. 63” L x 4. 75” W
    • COMPATIBILITY: Use with a 16-volt/10 VA or 16-volt/15 VA transformer (not included) when connecting to a regular doorbell. Search “16TR” or "3TRAN" for a compatible transformer.
  • 9.7
    Newhouse Hardware
    12% Off

    Newhouse Hardware CHM1 Door Bell Chime, White

    Why we love it

    Two different sounds for front and back door
    Easy to install
    Compatible with a variety of doorbell buttons and transformers
    Main highlights
    • TWO SOUNDS: Classic two-note “Ding Dong” sound for the front door button and has an additional connection with a separate "Dong" for the rear or side door
    • PLEASE NOTE: This item does not include the doorbell button or the transformer. Search “CKIT1” for a door chime, transformer and door button set
    • PLEASE NOTE: If the chime is not working properly, the issue may or may not be with the chime. The issue could be with the doorbell button, transformer or the wiring. There are troubleshooting steps in the manual as well as on our website.
    • PLEASE NOTE: Customers have mentioned that our wired chimes such as this one work with video doorbells such as ring, but we cannot guarantee this.
    • INCLUDES: Door Chime and mounting screws (found inside the chime cover).
    • DIMENSIONS: Cover: 7-1/4” W x 4-1/8” L Base: 7” W x 3-7/8” L Overall Depth: 2”
    • COMPATIBILITY: Use with a 16-volt/10 VA or 16-volt/15 VA transformer (not included) when connecting to a regular doorbell. Search “16TR” or "3TRAN" for a compatible transformer.

Our ranking system

The Team selects top-of-the-line items from a wide selection and conducts rigorous evaluations on almost all the products available on the internet. We rank each product based on how well it matches our criteria.We can ensure that the product is well-tested with the help of our expertise, experts, and artificial intelligence technology. requires consistent care for the products we review, ensuring that our assessments are always accurate and up to date.


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When compared to other criteria, does the pricing seem reasonable? In order to provide genuine value for money, our team must answer that question with advanced calculations.