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Categories Comparison - April 2024

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SAVANA Crack List - The Crack-You-Up Categories Card Game | 2+ Players | Game for Kids, Teens and Adults | Family Board Games | Best Family Card Game




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  • 9.8

    SAVANA Crack List - The Crack-You-Up Categories Card Game | 2+ Players | Game for Kids, Teens and Adults | Family Board Games | Best Family Card Game

    Main highlights
    • A one-of-a-kind card game that would bring all generations together, to play with family, friends, or colleagues, perfect to play whilst sipping aperitifs or at parties.
    • A game dreamed up around the dining table by a father-daughter team and card game winner of the TOY OF THE YEAR award in France
    • Crack List is a fast, fun, simple card game. Accessible to all generations: everyone has the chance to find answers and walk away a winner. Lots of laughs guaranteed
    • There are hundreds of unique, fun and unexpected category lists to crack in order to win the Crack List crown
    • Crack List : Categories in a crack-you-up card game — games don’t get better than this!
    • Object of the game : be the first player to get rid of all your cards. It’s as easy as that! Well, almost... An ACTION card could be played at any time, turning the whole game on its head!
    • 30+ min playing time I For age 10 I 2 to 8 players or more by playing in teams I Small enough to take anywhere
    • The rules are easy: a category is chosen, and each player starts the game with 8 cards in their hand. One card = one letter, and your answer must start with the letter on your card.

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