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Smart Displays Comparison - April 2024

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Echo Show 10 (3rd Gen) | HD smart display with premium sound, motion and Alexa | Charcoal




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Here are the top 1 recommended products with more information to help you find the right product for you
  • 9.8

    Echo Show 10 (3rd Gen) | HD smart display with premium sound, motion and Alexa | Charcoal

    Why we love it

    The 10.1 HD screen is designed to move with you, making it easy to view recipes, video calls, and shows.
    The 13MP camera with auto framing and motion keeps you in frame and makes it easy to take pictures.
    The built in camera can be used to remotely monitor your home.
    Main highlights
    • The ultimate kitchen companion - Get daily personalized recipes, cook along hands-free with step-by-step instructions, set timers, and add to your grocery list.
    • Take a look around when you’re away - Securely access the built-in camera to remotely monitor your home anytime with the Alexa app or other Echo Show devices.
    • Stay in frame - Video call friends and family or take a picture while the 13MP camera with auto-framing and motion keeps you front and center.
    • So much entertainment - Ask Alexa to play your favorite shows, music, and podcasts from Prime Video, Netflix, Amazon Music, Spotify, and more.
    • Smart home made simple - Set up compatible Zigbee and Matter devices without a separate hub. Ask Alexa to show you security cameras, control lights, and adjust thermostats.
    • Put your memories on display - Use Amazon Photos & Alexa for a picture-perfect pairing. You can turn your home screen into a digital frame, invite friends and family to share photos, and even take photos. Plus, Prime members get unlimited photo storage.
    • Designed to protect your privacy – Amazon is not in the business of selling your personal information to others. Built with multiple layers of privacy controls including a mic/camera off button and a built-in camera shutter. Disable motion at any time.
    • Alexa can show you even more - With a 10.1" HD screen that’s designed to move with you, video calls, recipes, and shows are always in view. The speakers deliver premium, directional sound.
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