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Trash Recycling Compost Comparison - April 2024

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Joseph Joseph Totem Max 60 Liter Waste Separation and Recycling Kitchen Trash Can with Odor Filter and Removable Food Waste Caddy, Stainless Steel
SONGMICS Trash Can, 3 x 4.8 Gallon Garbage Can, 14.4 Gallon Recycle Bin with Soft-Close Lids, Pedals, and Inner Buckets for Kitchen, Stainless Steel, Silver and Black ULTB54NL


Joseph Joseph


3,120 reviews
1,720 reviews



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Our Top 2 Picks

Here are the top 2 recommended products with more information to help you find the right product for you
  • 9.9
    Joseph Joseph
    32% Off

    Joseph Joseph Totem Max 60 Liter Waste Separation and Recycling Kitchen Trash Can with Odor Filter and Removable Food Waste Caddy, Stainless Steel

    Why we love it

    Space saving design
    2 compartments
    Carbon filter odor control
    Main highlights
    • Replaceable carbon filter inside the lid helps eliminate odors. 10-Year included.
    • Features an 8-gallon general waste compartment at the top and an 8-gallon multi-purpose recycling drawer at the base, Removable buckets with liner retaining holes and carrier bag hooks
    • Each compartment includes a removable bucket with hooks for securing trash liners and breather vents that make bag removal easier
    • 2nd Generation Totem Max 60L has a space-saving vertical design with 2 compartments to maximize trash and recycling capacity. Dimensions of Totem Max unit with lid closed (inches): 15.35 L x 14.5 W x 32 H; Totem Max with lid open (inches): 15.35 L x 14.5 W x 43.8 H
    • 0. 8-Gallon removable compost bin with lid can be stored in the general waste compartment, The multi-purpose drawer, or on a kitchen counter
  • 9.8

    SONGMICS Trash Can, 3 x 4.8 Gallon Garbage Can, 14.4 Gallon Recycle Bin with Soft-Close Lids, Pedals, and Inner Buckets for Kitchen, Stainless Steel, Silver and Black ULTB54NL

    Why we love it

    Hands free: No need to touch bin.
    Sturdy Quiet: Long lasting silent lid.
    Bucket in Bin: Easy emptying cleaning.
    Main highlights
    • [Sort Your Waste] With three 4.8-gallon compartments, this trash can helps you sort your waste easily in your kitchen—recyclables, normal waste, and food scraps, for example
    • [Soft Closure] The lids close slowly, softly, and silently after you let go of the pedals, without making a loud clang
    • [Modern Design] Featuring clean lines and a mix of silver sheen and black color, this garbage can has a modern look that complements other appliances
    • [Fingerprint-Resistant] The recycle bin made of stainless steel resists rust and fingerprints; a simple wipe can keep it clean and smudge-free
    • [Easy Waste Disposal] Each compartment has a foot pedal for hands-free opening of the lid, as well as a removable inner bucket with a metal handle for easy emptying and cleaning

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