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Rare Earth Magnets Comparison - April 2024

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MIKEDE Strong Rare Earth Neodymium Magnets, Heavy Duty Bar Magnets with Double-Sided Adhesive, Powerful Pull Force, Perfect for Fridge, Garage, Kitchen, Science, Craft, Office, DIY 60x10x3mm 6pack
DIYMAG Small Magnets, 40 Pack Tiny Rare Earth Magnets, 5 Different Size Neodymium Magnets for Refrigerator, DIY, Building, Crafts and Kitchen Cabinet, Office Magnets




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Our Top 2 Picks

Here are the top 2 recommended products with more information to help you find the right product for you
  • 9.8

    MIKEDE Strong Rare Earth Neodymium Magnets, Heavy Duty Bar Magnets with Double-Sided Adhesive, Powerful Pull Force, Perfect for Fridge, Garage, Kitchen, Science, Craft, Office, DIY 60x10x3mm 6pack

    Main highlights
    • WARNING - The bar magnet is very fragile, it is forbidden to collide with other metal objects (including another magnet), so be careful when you are trying separate them !
    • POWERFUL MAGNETS - Made of Strongest Magnetic Material! Strong Holding Power, Holding Power is not Less than 18 lbs per Magnet with Direct Touch and Direct Pull.
    • MAGNETS DIMENSIONS - 60mm x 10mm x 3mm (approx. 2.36" x 0.4" x 0.12").
    • MAGNETS COATED - Ni+Cu+Ni Triple Layer Coated. The Best Coating Available, which Provides a Shiny and Rust Resistant Protection for the Magnets.
    • DIY PROJECTS & SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS - Refrigerator Magnets, Shower Door, Work or Office, Scientific Purposes, Arts and Crafts or School Classroom.
  • 9.7

    DIYMAG Small Magnets, 40 Pack Tiny Rare Earth Magnets, 5 Different Size Neodymium Magnets for Refrigerator, DIY, Building, Crafts and Kitchen Cabinet, Office Magnets

    Main highlights
    • 【Wide Range Application】- Use the neodymium disc magnets to complete your DIY projects, lift things on your cars, RVs, boats, white board, organize your tools in the garage, see your precious pictures on your refrigerator, perform scientific experiments to educate your kids, complete arts and crafts projects and more! it’s super useful for home and office
    • 【Rust Resistent and Durable】- Our round earth magnets have high resistance to demagnetization, corrosion and oxidation, and the small strong magnets are made from brushed nickel silver finishing material, greatly increase the longevity of the tiny magnets, can perfectly meet your needs
    • 【No-Scratch Technology】- The small fridge magnets with superior corrosion resistance and provide a smooth and clean finish surface, look like stainless steel. Each small magnets won't leave a single scratch on it. Do not worry it might scratch the fridge or your new table
    • 【5 Different Size】- Set of 40 small magnets in a high quality plastic box that is easy to carry and use. Perfect for small crafts and model making.
    • 【100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE】- Made under ISO 9001 Quality Systems. We are professional small magnet seller and you can find any magnets you want in our store. Search TRYMAG MAGNETS. Find the refrigerator magnets you want!

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