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Categories Sorting Speech Therapy Comparison - April 2024

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Aizweb Montessori, Stacking Toys- Wooden Burger for 3 Year Old Toddlers and Kids Preschool, Fine Motor Skill Educational Learning Toy, Blocks for Toddlers Gift
Kibbit Group It- Card Game for Improving Category Recognition and Naming, Speech Therapy Tool, ABA, ESL




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Our Top 2 Picks

Here are the top 2 recommended products with more information to help you find the right product for you
  • 9.8

    Aizweb Montessori, Stacking Toys- Wooden Burger for 3 Year Old Toddlers and Kids Preschool, Fine Motor Skill Educational Learning Toy, Blocks for Toddlers Gift

    Why we love it

    Developmental: Enhances creativity, logic, measurement and coordination.
    Educational: Teaches shape, color and size differentiation.
    Entertaining: 10 cards with mixed ingredients bright colors.
    Main highlights
    • Superior Material for Kids: This wooden stacker toy is made from durable and child-safe materials, delivering exceptional quality and value. Great educational shape toy for toddlers.
    • Montessori Toy for Early Education: This wooden stacking burger toys contains 10 activity cards, a wooden base and 7 wooden ingredient pieces. It helps to build early shape, color and size differentiation skills when kids try to match the blocks to the target or make various combinations.
    • Education & Entertainment:: This stacking toy also comes with 10 cards showing different mixed ingredients.Children can choose one at random and then stack pieces onto the base to match the order shown.It helps to give your child’s brain a work out while they play it.
    • Considerate Design for Toddlers: Perfectly sized for toddlers' hands, great choice as travel toys. Your child will love the bright colors, the playful shapes, and the engaging design. What’s more, the stacking block has smooth edges, fits nicely into their small hands. Perfect puzzles for 3 year olds.
    • Builds Multiple Skills: Stackable toys can improve children’s minds in creativity, logic, measurement, and hand-eye coordination skill which are vital as initial life lessons. Great toddler toys for 3 year old boys girls.
  • 9.7

    Kibbit Group It- Card Game for Improving Category Recognition and Naming, Speech Therapy Tool, ABA, ESL

    Main highlights
    • suitable for kindergarten and first grade classrooms, special education, speech therapy, ESL, and autism programs
    • Tried and true- designed by a speech therapist and loved by clients, parents, and teachers
    • Quick paced fun card game that gives children lots of practice in labeling categories
    • Quick and effective as a practice drill but a lot more fun! Children beg to play again!
    • Learn to label 41 categories and subcategories!
    • Durable laminated cards – made to last!
    • Can be used in second language programs to gain fluency in labeling categories in the second language.
    • Ages 4 -8 , 2 + players

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