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Feather Toys Comparison - April 2024

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MeoHui Interactive Cat Toys - Retractable Wand Toy and Feather Toys Refills for Indoor Cats to Chase and Exercise




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  • 9.8

    MeoHui Interactive Cat Toys - Retractable Wand Toy and Feather Toys Refills for Indoor Cats to Chase and Exercise

    Why we love it

    The product is a great way to entertain your cats and get them exercise.
    It is a classic, practical, and interactive toy that cats of all ages and sizes will love.
    The telescopic design is lightweight, flexible, and easy to store.
    Main highlights
    • 5. CONSIDERATIONS : As this is an interactive cat toy , we kindly suggest supervise your cat all the time when playing, in case they bite the string and handle. Never leave your cat alone with this kitten toys , Keep it in a safe place pets can’t reach. For any questions, please feel free to reach us, we will help you.
    • 4. HIGH QUALITY AND SAFETY : The feathers made from Safe, natural material. The telescopic cat wand made of new material with higher elasticity and hardness. Our clasp is easy to open and close for changing feathers. Package includes: 2PCS Cat Wand + 9PCS Feather Worms Refills + 2PCS Extra Strings with Clasp. This cat stick toy can be used for longer periods of time. Good for cat gifts!
    • 3. TELESCOPIC CAT FISHING POLE TOY DESIGN : This cat toy wand extends from 15” in to 38.9”. It's very light, flexible, durable and easy to store. The fully extend cat feather wand is long enough( 38.9 in) plus the string (23.6in) which can cover a large space for playing, it can really get your cats exercise. And it's very light so that cat-teasing is no longer a tough job for you. You can even sit on the couch watching TV while teasing cats with this cat toys.
    • 2. CLASSIC PRACTICAL INTERACTIVE CAT TOY : This cat wand toy will encourage your cats to flip, jump, pounce, chase. Providing exercise and entertainment, release their energy, which will ultimately lead to your cat feeling happy and relaxed. A great cat feather toys suitable for kittens and cats of all ages and sizes! Spend some quality time with your feline friend. This is a CLASSIC cat toys interactive for indoor cats, give your fur baby a try!
    • 1. EXCITING ENTERTAINMENT FOR CATS : Cats are crazy about chaser games! Combine string and feather into a great cat toys for indoor cats, this cat toy is an irresistible lure for cats! Swing the feathers " lure" will get your cats excited and trigger their natural " hunt instinct", making them run and jump like a wild animal, driving your cats crazy with joy! Even adult cat play like a kitten again!

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